Category Archives: JoMI

Quick Update: Life Progress Report

imageSorry sorry.  As per my usual self, I’ve been terrible at keeping in touch with everyone (esp. grandma; sorry grandma!)  But just in case you are interested in what’s up with me, here is a brief update across the board:

Tried Carrot this morning.  Abuse is awesome.  Also tried Yoga Studio.  Not bad at passive-aggressively telling I am no longer quite as bendy as I used to be, but felt very good.  Prefer Carrot’s more direct abuse.  (Thanks Mary!)

JoMI ( is now officially two years old (entering the terrible twos?). MGH, Harvard Medical School, UCSF, Stanford, and a number of others have renewed and I keep running into people who have seen our videos, so we are now prepping to move to the next stage.  Fun fact:  Continue reading


Filed under JoMI, JoVE, Life